Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Perfect Storm

Have you heard about "The Perfect Storm" by John Paul Jackson?

Joni Lamb of Daystar TV has had him on her show and for her conferences many times.

It's about prophecies of possible upcoming events.  Some of the other prophecies God gave him earlier have come to pass.

Economic Melt Down?  Different Weather Patterns?  Loss of Freedoms?
What do we do to prepare for an uncertain future?

Planning and worry are two different things.

Don't worry- plan.

Joseph planned.

Planning Without Worry, by John Paul Jackson And John Paul Jackson Economic Collapse of America part 2

Do what God tells you to tell. Don't do what He doesn't tell you to do.

Don't do it out of worry or fear.

Preparing for the Perfect, this is the web site dedicated to the book.

#1 Know God through Jesus, His Son.
#2  Know His voice.  The Bible says, that His sheep know His voice.

I have 'felt' to prepare and that 'something' was coming.  All that led to me writing the FICTION book "Prepared, the Beginning".  (To be released soon).

During this time I heard about The Harbinger, The Harbinger Jonathan Cahn.  I have listened to several of the Youtube videos about this.

I've been reading the book by Perry Stone, Unusual Prophecies Being Fulfilled.

God is not a mean God.  But He will allow judgments.  Rememer Nineva and Jonah?  Jonah was a prophet sent to Nineva ( a wicked city).  He was to tell them to repent.  And they did.

I don't know what is going to happen... but here is what I'm doing.

#1 Getting Spiritually Fit- no more lazy Christianity.  Praying, Seeking, Obeying, Believing...

#2 Getting Out of DEBT!!!!  I know that God has wanted me out of debt for a long time now and I've put it off.  Not anymore.  I'm working diligently to pay off the credit cards and my medical bills.

#3 Gardening.  I have a small garden this year.  Next year for my birthday, I want a raised garden bed and heirloom seeds.  I will know how to save seeds by harvest time.

#4 I already have some herbs that I can use to cook and for medicine.  I will be planting more this fall.

#5 Stock piling matches and candles and blankets.  We live in suburbia.  We have gas fire places and a wood burning stove in the garage (stored away).  I hope we won't have to use it.

#6 This fall I will fix my rain barrels.  Right now they are just the food grade barrels from our local Coca-Cola bottling plant.  They are under a tarp ... waiting...

#7 I have berry plants and muscadine (a wild southern grape) growing.  I will learn how to tend to these to make them produce fruit and grow well.

#8 Getting rid of clutter and 'downsizing'.  I feel like I need to go through my 'stuff' stored boxes etc and get rid of 'stuff'- mainly give to others or Goodwill etc.

#9 Saving proof of what I have paid for- ie my medical bills, electricity etc.

#10 Have a certain amount of cash on hand.

That's all right now.

I don't have chickens.  I live in the city.  We're not going to dig a well.  And right now, UPDATE: I am stocking supplies & food.

But I will continue to pray and seek what the Lord would have me to do.

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